Course Introduction: "Hand-Code Your First Website: HTML + CSS Basics"



Course Introduction: "Hand-Code Your First Website: HTML + CSS Basics"

Dive into the exciting world of web design with Hand-Code Your First Website: HTML + CSS Basics, a beginner-friendly course that makes creating your own website enjoyable and accessible.

In this course, you'll learn:

  • HTML: How to write and structure website content.
  • CSS: Techniques for styling your site and making it visually appealing.
  • Code Backup: Simple methods to keep your code secure.
  • Website Hosting: Steps to publish your site for the world to see.

Building websites with HTML and CSS isn't just about coding—it's about empowerment, creativity, and self-expression. These skills can open doors to freelancing, agency roles, startup opportunities, and even running your own studio.

Throughout the course, you'll create a one-page website dedicated to your favorite cartoon hero. By exploring best practices and insider tips, you'll learn to use browsers, code editors, and online publishing tools, all while developing a fully functional website from scratch.

Begin your web development journey today and unlock limitless possibilities with this foundational skill set!

What you'll learn:

  • Writing HTML.
  • Writing CSS.
  • Planning Your Website.
  • Debugging + Common Errors.
  • Your Own Website.
  • v.v...
Time Course: 1 hours 55 minutes (14 Lectures + Documents)

Instructor: Rich From TapTapKaboom

Total Weight: 730.54 MB


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