Free Course Deep Dive With Entity Framework Core 5


Free Course Deep Dive With Entity Framework Core 5

Unlock the full potential of Entity Framework Core 5 in your .NET applications with this comprehensive course!

Entity Framework Core (EF Core) is more than just Microsoft’s flagship Object Relational Mapper (ORM)—it’s a tool that simplifies database interaction while offering extensive control. Yet, many .NET courses barely scratch the surface of EF Core’s capabilities, focusing instead on high-level abstractions. This course breaks that mold, taking you on an in-depth exploration of what EF Core can truly achieve.

In this course, you will:

  • Understand the benefits of EF Core 5 and its role in simplifying complex database tasks.
  • Learn how EF Core maps your classes and relationships to database models and relationships seamlessly.
  • Master essential operations like querying, updating databases incrementally, and rolling back changes effectively.

Whether you are a beginner looking to deepen your knowledge or an experienced developer wanting to unlock the full potential of EF Core 5, this course provides the skills and insights to elevate your .NET projects to the next level.

What you'll learn:

  • Migrations and Database Creation.
  • Generate Migration Scripts.
  • Reverse Engineer Existing Database.
  • Filtering Records.
  • Alternative LINQ Syntax.
  • v.v...
Time Course: 5 hours 49 minutes (39 Lectures + Documents)

Instructor: Trevoir Williams

Total Weight: 1.14 GB


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