Basics of Java and Advance Java Project: Attend 10 Interview Get 5 Offer Letter from a Software Company - KING OF EXCEL

Friday, May 10, 2024

Basics of Java and Advance Java Project: Attend 10 Interview Get 5 Offer Letter from a Software Company




📌 Khung iFrame

Basics of Java and Advance Java Project: Attend 10 Interview Get 5 Offer Letter from a Software Company

by Amit K
  • Length: 494 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher: Independently published
  • Publication Date: 2024-05-02

Basics of Java and Advance Java Project
Attend 10 Interview Get 5 Offer Letter from a Software Company

Here you will learn

Java For Beginners
Chapter 1 : Introduction
1 Java Virtual Machine ( JVM )
2 JDK and JRE
Chapter 2 : Data Types in java
1 Overview of data types
2 byte
3 boolean
4 char
5 short
6 int
7 long
8 float
9 double
10 lReference Types
Chapter 3 : if else statement in java
1 if statment
2 if – else statement
3 if – else if – else statement
4 Boolean value
5 Operators involved in conditional expression
Chapter 4 : Switch Statement in Java
1 Structure of switch statement
2 switch Example
3 break statement in switch
Chapter 5 : Loops in Java
1 Loops in Java
2 for Loop
3 for-each loop
4 while Loop
5 do-while Loop
6 The break statement in loop
7 The continue statement in a loop
8 Labelled Loop
Chapter 6 : Arrays in Java
1 What is Array
2 One-dimensional array
3 One-dimensional array and for-each loop
4 The Utility methods for One-Dimensional Array
5 Two-dimensional array
Chapter 7 : Inheritance and polymorphism in Java
1 Introduction
2 Class, Constructor and instance
3 Inheritance in java
4 Polymorphism in Java
Chapter 8 : Abstract class and Interface in Java
1 Introduction
2 Abstract Class
3 Abstract class, the examples
4 Overview of the interface
5 Structure of an Interface
6 Class implements Interface

Software Installation For Beginners

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