Yellow Orange Triangle PowerPoint Templates


Yellow Orange Triangle PowerPoint Templates

This is a set of orange triangle background, work summary PowerPoint template, a total of 25.

Ppt template cover, using orange triangle, business figures gesture ppt background image. Fill in PPT title text of work summary on the right. The interface is practical and has a business sense.
The content page of PowerPoint template is composed of 23 orange and yellow flat slide charts, and the work summary copy is typeset. In addition, the use of black and white natural scenery ppt illustrations, working scenes ppt illustrations, office desktop ppt illustrations and other typesetting.
This template is suitable for making all kinds of general business PPT, such as work summary PPT, work plan PPT, work report PPT, meeting report PPT, business presentation PPT, project planning PPT, etc.
The text, pictures, lines and colors of the template can be freely edited.
Welcome to download! I wish you success in your work, happy life and good health.
  • Template pages: Total 25 pages
  • Template page Size: 1280px x 720px
  • Template display ratio: 16:9
  • Template extension:pptx
  • Template language: English|Chinese
  • Applicable software: PowerPoint 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013/wps office/office 365/Google slides
  • Template file size: 859KB

Yellow Orange Triangle PowerPoint Templates
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