Learn Python Using Soccer: Coding for Kids in Python Using Outrageously Fun Soccer Concepts - KING OF EXCEL

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Learn Python Using Soccer: Coding for Kids in Python Using Outrageously Fun Soccer Concepts




📌 Khung iFrame

Learn Python Using Soccer: Coding for Kids in Python Using Outrageously Fun Soccer Concepts

by Bob Mather
  • Length: 130 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2023-11-12

Help your kid get one of the most essential skills of the 21st century with this unplugged “Learn Python through Soccer” coding book– A Proven and Engaging Guide for Young Learners

This book is the ultimate resource for parents seeking a creative way to introduce their children to the world of coding and foster a love for sports. This unique guide, designed for young learners, offers a remarkable approach that guarantees a fun and educational journey.

Here’s What’s You Will Get from this Book:

  • Engaging Learning: Tap into your child’s love for soccer and transform it into a thrilling coding adventure.
  • Step by Step Learning: Guiding them from the basics to advanced skills, ensuring they grasp coding fundamentals with ease.
  • Practical Skills: Equipping your child with essential problem-solving and logical thinking abilities.
  • Creativity Unleashed: Allowing them to express their creativity through soccer-themed coding projects.
  • Interdisciplinary Education: Bridging the gap between coding and sports, offering a well-rounded education.
  • Real-World Applications: Coding real world soccer applications and games that will keep young kids engaged.
  • Empowering Young Minds: Boosting your child’s confidence and paving the way for future success in coding.

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