Learn The Advanced Shopify Theme Development: Liquid + Vue.js Free Video Course


Learn The Advanced Shopify Theme Development: Liquid + Vue.js Free Video Course

Course Video Size: 3 GB High-Quality Video Content

part 01

howtofree, freetutorials,freecoursesite

part 02

howtofree, freetutorials,freecoursesite

Original Author: Click Here

Learn to build Shopify themes using Liquid, JavaScript, and Vue.js v3.0 from scratch. No experience required!

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What you will learn from this Course:

  • How to create a Shopify theme from scratch with Vue. and Liquid
  • Advanced Liquid Techniques
  • Create a high quality Shopify Theme
  • Advanced Shopify Techniques using Vue and Liquid
  • Shopify Ajax API
  • Create a custom variant and option selector for products
  • Create a powerful Mini-Cart using Vue
  • How to implement Vue using a CDN in Shopify themes

Requirements for this Course

  • Have an understanding of HTML & CSS
  • Access to a computer with a modern browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox)



Progressed points include:

  • How to fabricate a completely practical Shopify Theme from Scratch
  • Advanced Liquid Techniques
  • Shopify Ajax API
  • Create an incredible Mini-Cart utilizing Vue.js
  • Create a custom variation and alternative selector for items
  • Build an Advanced Shopify Theme from the Future (Vue.js 3.0)
  • How to execute Vue.js utilizing a CDN in Shopify subjects

Who is the course for?

Any individual who is hoping to assemble internet business topics for themselves, customers or to find a sought after line of work utilizing the Shopify stage. Most Shopify subjects are stuck before. Using jQuery for dynamic substance is from the past. This course tosses jQuery out the window and replaces it with Vue.js. The most adaptable and incredible JavaScript structure that permits us to make a Shopify subject from what’s to come.

The topic worked in this course uses the prescribed procedures for Shopify subjects yet adds an advancement piece where it is required the most. The manner in which we will assemble this topic will consider the best client experience with the least support.

Why Vue.js?

Vue.js is the solitary structure that takes into consideration the sort of adaptability that is required when building Shopify topics. We can infuse Vue.js into the pieces of the topic where we need it most and get it far from where we needn’t bother with it. Vue.js is likewise simple to get and begin utilizing. There is no broad arrangement required and no conditions. It is very lightweight and permits us to handily oversee the state inside our subject.

Course Video Size: 3 GB High-Quality Video Content

part 01

howtofree, freetutorials,freecoursesite

part 02

howtofree, freetutorials,freecoursesite

Original Author: Click Here


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