Free Course Full-Stack React, Python, and GraphQL


Free Course Full-Stack React, Python, and GraphQL

Develop impressive, rich full-stack apps with the latest and greatest features of Python, React and GraphQL
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Description This course is for developers looking to build complete, full-stack applications with cutting-edge React user interfaces, powered by a robust Python backend, that uses GraphQL on the server and client.  It was designed for developers who want to be ahead of the curve in the latest web technologies, focusing on how to use GraphQL from front to back, the most current techniques and tools in React, including React Hooks, Apollo Boost, and Material UI, and how to combine it all with Python, Django and Graphene for an amazing stack.  ### WHAT WILL WE BE BUILDING? ###  A full-stack app from scratch with a GraphQL API made with Python (Django and Graphene), a React client app with React Hooks and Apollo Boost, state management React Context (with useContext) and Apollo Client State, media file uploads with Cloudinary and tons more.  Our app will be a social music-sharing app called ReactTracks where users can upload and share any music they like; users within our app will be able to interact with various tracks by liking them and adding tracks to their profile, searching for tracks, adding information about their music, as well as editing and deleting their tracks.  ### WHAT CONCEPTS WILL IT COVER? ###  Build robust GraphQL Backends with Python  Craft impressive React user interfaces  Authenticate Requests made to our Python Backend with JSON Web Tokens  Master the latest and greatest tools in React, namely React Hooks and React Context  Work with and understand two GraphQL client libraries in-depth--Apollo Boost and Graphene  Manage App State in React with Apollo Client State  Provide Routing and Protected Routes to your React apps with React Router 4  Grasp the core concepts of GraphQL (queries, mutations, GraphQL types, variables, schemas, resolvers)  Use Django to build robust, powerful web app backends and GraphQL APIs  Use Graphene and Graphene-Django to use GraphQL in Python Applications  Crafting visually impressive React apps with the #1 component library Material UI  Media file uploads with Cloudinary / Cloudinary API  Error handling in GraphQL, both on the client and server  How to use GraphQL IDEs, such as GraphiQL and GraphQL Playground, to interact with your APIs  How to use React Dev Tools and Apollo Dev Tools to easily interact with your React code  Package management with pipenv and dependency management with npm / yarn  And lots more!  Note: This course is highly suggested for both Python developers looking to learn the latest and greatest features in the React ecosystem and to start building real-world projects with them as well as for React / JavaScript developers looking to start working with Python along with powerful tools like Django and Graphene.  Who this course is for: Python developers looking to jump into the React ecosystem and learn the latest tools JavaScript / React / Node developers looking to become familiar with Python  who want to learn how to use GraphQL in building real-world apps

Udemy link:

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