Flask Web Development Using Python
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➥ this creative book is written by Miguel Grinberg in english language. and all the cradits of this book goes to him.
This book is divided into three parts:
➥ Part I - Introduction to Flask : explores the basics of web application development with the Flask framework and some of its extensions.(chap 6-7)
➥ Part II - Examples : A Social Blogging Application, builds Flasky, the open source blogging and social networking application that developed for this book.(chap 8-14)
➥ Part III - The Last Mil : describes some important tasks not directly related to application coding that need to be considered before publishing an application.(chap 15-18)
--Who This Book Is For--
➥ You should have some level of Python coding experience to make the most of this book. Although the book assumes no previous Flask knowledge, Python concepts such as packages, modules, functions, decorators, and object-oriented programming are assumed to be well understood. Some familiarity with exceptions and diagnosing issues from stack traces will be very useful.
➥ While working through the examples in this book, you will spend a great deal of time in the command line. You should feel comfortable using the command line of your operating system.
➥ After finishing this book, you'll have a deep understanding of flask.
➥ i hope this book will help you to learn flask in python programming.
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