Building Back-End Web Apps with Java, JPA and JSF

Building Back-End Web Apps with Java, JPA and JSF
Wagner G.
GWagner, 2020. — 161 p.This book shows how to build back-end web applications with Java, JPA and JSF. A back-end web app is a distributed web app where essentially all work is performed by the back-end component, including data validation and UI page creation, while the front-end only consists of a web browser’s rendering of HTML-forms-based UI pages.
Topics included:
- A Quick Tour of the Foundations of Web Apps
- Basic Elements of Java
- Building a Minimal Java Web App in Seven Steps
- Practice Projects
- Integrity Constraints and Data Validation
- Implementing Constraint Validation in a Java Web App
- Enumerations and Enumeration Attributes
- Dealing with Enumerations in Java, JPA and JSF
- Reference Properties and Unidirectional Associations
- Implementing Unidirectional Functional Associations with Java
- Implementing Unidirectional Non-Functional Associations with Java
- Bidirectional Associations
- Implementing Bidirectional Associations with Java
- Part-Whole Associations
- Subtyping and Inheritance
- Subtyping in a Java Back-End App
Computers\\Programming: Programming Languages
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