Reverse Lookup of nth Highest and nth Lowest Numbers
Reverse Lookup of nth Highest and nth Lowest Numbers
Here are several examples rolled into one screen shot that show how to:
• Return the minimum and maximum numbers in a list.
• Return the 2nd, 3rd, and nth highest and lowest numbers in a list.
• Lookup in reverse (to the left) of the aforementioned numbers in a table.
• Return the minimum and maximum numbers in a list.
• Return the 2nd, 3rd, and nth highest and lowest numbers in a list.
• Lookup in reverse (to the left) of the aforementioned numbers in a table.
The formula in cell G2 is
The formula in cell H2 is
The formula in cell I2 is
The formula in cell J2 is
The formula in cell H2 is
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The formula in cell G4 is
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The formula in cell G7 is
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The formula in cell G8 is
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The formula in cell I8 is
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The formula in cell H8 is
The formula in cell I8 is
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The formula in cell G9 is
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#evba #etipfree #kingexcel=INDEX(A2:A27,MATCH(LARGE(D2:D27,3),D2:D27,0))
The formula in cell H9 is
The formula in cell I9 is
The formula in cell J9 is
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