Formatting Large Numbers as Decimalized Gigabytes

Formatting Large Numbers as Decimalized Gigabytes
When you work with numbers so large that Excel puts them in Scientific Notation format, you might want to format those numbers for a more meaningful look.
For example, in the Before and After comparison pictures, the large numbers represent the size of storage space kilobytes on computer hard drives. You’d like to see those numbers in a format that’s easy to comprehend, such as in gigabytes with one decimal and a “GB” suffix.
To make this happen, first, select the range of numbers, and right click the selection. From the popup menu, click to select Format Cells.
Next, in the Format Cells dialog box:
• Click onto the Number tab.
• From the Category list, select Custom.
• In the Type field, enter #,##0.0,,,"GB"
• Click the OK button.
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