Employee Turnover Dashboard – Power BI for HR
Employee Turnover Dashboard – Power BI for HR
Jack – The recruiting hamster
Meet Jack. He is a recruiter at East Coasters Inc. In the first quarter of 2019, so far 17 people in Engineering, 12 people in R&D, 9 people in Customer Care and 7 people in Finance have left East Coasters. Jack could only manage to replace 12 of them. What should he do?
Buy Panadol, lots of it.
Jokes aside, people in HR know very well that the recruitment hamster wheel must go on. But you know what makes the HR manager’s life a little better? If you know employee turonver looks, you can manage it better.
So on that note, let’s see how you can create an interactive, fun and useful Employee Turonver dashboard using Power BI.
Quick demo of the HR Turnover dashboard
Before learning how to create this, just take a look at this beauty.
Start with data
Typical staff recruitment and turnover data looks like this:
- Employee details (name, designation etc.)
- Where they work (department, branch etc.)
- Date of join
- Date of leaving
- Reason for leaving
Let’s assume this is how our data looks like. We have two sets of it. One for recruitment and another for leaving.
Download sample data
Load data and transform thru Power Query
Now that we have our data, let’s load it in to Power BI workbook. Open Power BI, click on Get data and point to your employee data set (in this case, the data came from an Excel file, for you this can be a SQL query, Oracle database or angry data dump from a bored data analyst in IT)
While at Power Query, it is a good idea to split the data in to dimension and fact tables. The exact set of tables depend on your input data. In our case, I have created below tables.
- Fact Tables
- Recruitments data – called staff
- Leavers data – called leavers
- Dimension Tables
- Branches – dBranch
- Departments – dDept
- Designations – dTitle
- Gender – dGender
- Calendar (generated thru Power Query List.Numbers function) – calendar
The process of creating these tables is fairly straight forward. If you are not sure how to make them from your source tables, watch the video at the end of this article.
Load data and Model it in Power BI
At the end of this process, load data to Power BI and link up tables. Here is my data model. Dimension tables are in the middle.
![Data model - Employee turnover dashboard - Power BI](https://i1.wp.com/chandoo.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/employee-data-model.png?zoom=3&ssl=1)
Create some measures
Now that our data model is ready, let’s dax. I meant Data Analysis eXpressions, you silly. You can measure and analyze recruitment and leaver data in any number of ways. Since Power BI allows us to interactively explore and visualize data, I find that even simple measures can deliver powerful results (as you will see in the dashboard).
Here are a few measures you can create:
(Refer to data model diagram above if you are not sure what a field refers to)
(Refer to data model diagram above if you are not sure what a field refers to)
Leaver Count = COUNTROWS(leavers)
Joinee Count = COUNTROWS(staff)
Tunrover % = DIVIDE([Leaver Count], [Joinee Count], blank())
Total Staff to date =
[Joinee Count]-[Leaver Count],
ISONORAFTER('calendar'[Date], MAX('calendar'[Date]), DESC)
While the above 4 measures are simple, the next one is a bit tricky. So if you dax with two left hands, then ignore the next one. You can still create powerful reporting.
The next measure tells us about top 2 branches and their contribution to overall turnover.
Top 2 branch leavers total =
var t2 = topn(2,dBranch,[Leaver Count],DESC)
var t2_names = CONCATENATEX(t2, dBranch[Branch], ", ", [Leaver Count], DESC)
"Top 2 branches ("& t2_names &") account for " & format(divide(SUMX(t2, [Leaver Count]), CALCULATE([Leaver Count], all(dBranch)),0),"0%") & " of leavers"
Let’s get graphic
So our data is ready, measures are clicking. Time to place them in some visuals to see whats going on with our turnover. There are many options when it comes visualizing this kind of data. Just play with Power BI and keep what you like.
Here are a few options.
New Joinees vs. Leavers over time
Leavers by branch and gender
This next one is stacked bar chart with gender, branch and [leaver count]. We can then overlay a card visual with [top 2 branch leavers total] measure to see more info about top 2 branches.
Or a few cards with statistics
You can add multi-row cards to display statistics. When mixed with visual filters on relative date, you can get same measures in different context. See below for some inspiration.
See top 10 designations of leavers
You can never go wrong with a black dress or good old fashioned table. A simple table of turnover % by job title (designation) will always look flash. But what if you have 100s of jobs. Simple, apply Top N filter and you can look at things that matter most.
Complete Turnover Dashboard
click to enlarge
![Employee turnover / attrition dashboard](https://i1.wp.com/chandoo.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/turnover-dashboard-powerbi.png?ssl=1)
Download Power BI workbook
Video tutorial – Employee Attrition Dashboard
If you are still not sure how everything works, check out this simple tutorial. Make sure you follow along in Power BI for best results. The video explains how to transform data in Power Query, how to generate custom calendar, how to create data model, measure development, visual selection and formatting. It is quite in-depth and yet not too long. Check it out below. Or watch it on my YouTube channel.
Are you HR + Power BI?
Do you work in HR and use Power BI? How do you measure and analyze turnover? Please share your thoughts and tips in the comments box. Even if you don’t work in HR, I am sure you find this example very useful for Power BI, Power Query and dashboard development.
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